Michael Senchuk

Current Kindling:

Michael Senchuk is a polymath, with extensive knowledge and senior advisory experience in finance, business, futurism,
economics, statistics, technology and big-picture
360 Analysis Avenue - finance, business, futurism, etc.
"People loathe meetings, and the
people who love them usually
have something wrong with them."
- Chris Brogan.
E: mike@qazam.com
T: mikeatqazam
LI: Michael Senchuk
FB: Michael Senchuk
Daytime Employer
Lilydale Inc. - Canadian poultry processor. Forecasting,
reporting, economics and results analysis.
Outside Projects
Hobby Alley - accounting, purchasing, and management consulting.
New Music Michael - a blog introducing music fans to new
alternative bands.

Resume: PDF Variant

Powerpoint Variant (PDF)

The Blog Dogs - our two shelties wanted their own blog; who am I to say no?